Restored by His Grace

Restored by His Grace Testimonials

“Life changing for myself and my spouse who took “Healing a Father’s Heart” concurrently. Awesome, anointed, healing, delivering. I have been restored.”

Restored by His Grace Testimonials

“Life changing for myself and my spouse who took “Healing a Father’s Heart” concurrently. Awesome, anointed, healing, delivering. I have been restored.”

After receiving healing from the brutal and tormenting memories of the choice of abortion I had a heart felt passion to partner with women and men living with the shame, pain and guilt that tormented them for their choice. I’ve served in post-abortion support for six years as a Facilitator.

Facilitator - Restored by His Grace

“Most impactful moment was accepting Gods forgiveness and feeling His healing hands upon me in the removal of my shame and guilt for a sin that He had forgotten about but that the enemy utilized for so many years to rob me of my hope and faith in Him.”


I was reluctant to join this group but to my amazement I was blessed and set free. I dealt with issues I had long suppressed. But the weekly study and Tuesday group gently walked me through this journey. And it was a journey…like peeling an onion.”


“Having to trace the size of my unborn child shattered my denial and I wept uncontrollably. This was a huge breakthrough in my healing process.”


“The Holy Spirit gave me peace and took away anger, depression and negativity.”


“If it wasn’t for this God giving ministry, I would still be suffering from depression due to my unforgiveness and self-judgement.”


“After 28 years of hiding and suppressing the shame and guilt, I finally felt freedom and forgiveness in my soul.”


“Learned to forgive myself and accept God’s forgiveness.”


“The post abortion pain of supporting the termination of my grandson’s life was tearing a hole in me. God helped me to breath and be refreshed from the burden of abortion. I praise the Lord for this ministry and its leaders for their steadfast dedication to help those in need of healing from abortion.”


“During my journey to healing, I realized I was not hiding from God’s wrath or judgement. Rather, I was running away from His love and forgiveness. Since my healing I’m preparing to serve as an advocate for pre-born life, and a post-abortion counselor.”


“I have been restored.”

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