Restored by His Grace

Why I think Abortion and Miscarriage Sisters Belong Together…
“It is such a lonely place being separated by secrets.”

“Should we have women who have miscarried babies and women who have aborted babies in the same Bible study group for healing, recovery and restoration?”

For the woman who has miscarried, her inner dialogue about this loss is filled with varied feelings and thoughts: tremendous loss, regret, sadness, and possibly some guilt as she might believe she caused the loss of her child. It can also distance her from her spouse or boyfriend. He may have been a part of the actual miscarriage experience, or at the hospital if a D&C was performed. He is/was also concerned for her health and after-care but may feel like he should not ask about it. His thinking being – “It didn’t happen to me.” Then there’s the issue of telling people who might have just learned of the pregnancy – “We lost our baby.” Both of them are experiencing the loss of a “hoped for baby,” but often, not in sync with one another.

For the woman who has aborted a baby, her inner dialogue of thoughts and feelings is varied, too: It might be a mixture of loss and tremendous guilt (“How could I do this to my own flesh and blood, … to another human being?”). After the abortion she might feel incredible relief, but it was an unsettling kind of relief. The loss of this child has brought distance into a relationship that has also experienced the loss with her (spouse, boyfriend, or parents). They may have even participated in the death of the child (financially, emotionally with support, transportation, post-abortion care). This participation can bring guilt and the possibility of further separation in their relationship.

The loss is so painful in both women’s lives that turning away from God is likely – a  distancing in her Heavenly Father’s relationship, and a further widening of separation that may already be there.

My own story is that I miscarried three children and have also experienced powerful relationship with women who had aborted theirs – all in a Bible Study for women with pregnancy loss by miscarriage and abortion. In the simplest way – every woman in my group had “lost” their child(ren), and we were all grieving their passing, along with what was missing without their presence in our lives. We were all in pain and needed outside help to grieve and heal. Many of our thoughts and feelings of loss seemed to echo back and forth into our stories.

In our opening session of No Longer Bound, every member tells their personal story of the loss of their child(ren). It was an extremely moving experience for all of us. I sat in a room with 7 other women (all strangers), and we began to bond over the sharing of the loss of our collective child(ren) through our abortions and miscarriages. We cried and the tissues piled up on our laps and on the floor. In that first meeting I became aware of how similar, rather than different, I was to the other seven women who had abortion stories (1 woman had miscarried one of her children).

 I related to every one of their stories. We had already begun to bond in our loss, and the mourning and griefwork for our children began. It was clear from that first meeting that we’d be doing this together for 13 weeks. No more hiding for us. No more secreted shaming of our stories. We were going to allow the wound(s) to be debrided and open ourselves up to our personal and collective healing as sisters. By the grace of God, other faithful women – our leaders— who had already traveled this healing road, were going to help us in the care of this wound and apply powerful life-giving salves and bandages (Truth and God’s Word). They assured me, repeatedly, that I was safe to tell my story and that I would not be judged but valued as a sister and daughter of God. We all became very close. The time we spent together felt sacred and holy.

My sensitivity to women who carry the personal history of abortion became real. I had wrongly judged them as unfeeling, selfish, sinful women – they had a choice, and I didn’t. I learned that they had already judged themselves harshly for what they had done. I didn’t need to be one more person doing this to them. I was wrong and it was something I had to ask forgiveness for – to them and to my Heavenly Father.

And if I could step up onto one more tiny little soapbox for a few moments…

We have enough things that divide us in the Church already – age and stage-of-life, cultural and racial status, mature/not mature in Christ, staff or non-staff, volunteer or pew-sitter, filled with the Spirit or not filled with the Spirit, Bible scholar or still trying to find the table of contents in the Bible, and the list goes on and on of things that segment and divide us rather than bring us together in His unfathomable love.

Our loss and our sin should NOT be one more place that divides us in the body of Christ. It should be one more place that brings us together in love, and to Jesus. Your healing will affect my healing and restoration, and I hope I will do the same for you

I’ve always heard the ground is pretty level at the foot of the cross of Jesus.

My hope is that I will always have a history of serving and ministering to women and men through abortion and miscarriage healing, recovery and restoration through No Longer Bound and Restored By His Grace.

Melea J. Brock

 ©August 23, 2022, Melea J. Brock

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