Restored by His Grace

Are you in Crisis

One in four women have chosen abortion. For many this choice has triggered guilt, shame, anger, regret and often depression.  If this describes you-  it does not have to remain your reality. Many women and men are being healed from the crippling effects that abortion often brings with the help of ministries like Restored by His Grace. If you recently discovered you are pregnant and thinking of aborting, please call us. We can help you make an informed decision.

Are you in Crisis

One in four women have chosen abortion. For many this choice has triggered guilt, shame, anger, regret and often depression.  If this describes you-  it does not have to remain your reality. Women and men are being healed from the crippling effects that abortion often brings with the help of ministries like Restored by His Grace. If you recently discovered you are pregnant and thinking of aborting, please call us. We can help you make an informed decision by sharing your options. The uncertainties of miscarriage evoke similar emotions and we are here to serve you. 


Women and Abortion

One in four women have chosen abortion. With the highest percentage found in Latina and African American communities, one in three. Many are told abortion is the only option. This is not true, abortion is not the only option.  Whether you have already chosen abortion or are thinking about aborting, your decision is or could be the beginning of deep trauma instead of the resolution of a crisis. When you chose abortion, many of you were deceived by people you trusted, who insisted you would not feel a thing” or it would soon be over and you can get on with your life.” That was/is the farthest thing from the truth and the beginning of secrets and sorrow. Secrets that produce an internal dialogue of self- condemnation, unworthiness, shame and guilt too heavy to bear, so you didn’t share. As a result, you’re left with wounds which need healing and unbearable pain. You are not alone, there is hope for you.

Women and Abortion

Abortion effects women across the board however the highest percentage of abortions occur in one out of three in the Latina and African American communities. Many are told abortion is the only option. This is not true, abortion is not the only option.  Whether you have already chosen abortion or are thinking about aborting, your decision is or could be the beginning of deep trauma instead of the resolution of a crisis. When you chose abortion, many of you were deceived by people you trusted, who insisted you would not feel a thing” or it would soon be over and you can get on with your life.” That is the farthest thing from the truth and the beginning of secrets and sorrow. Secrets that produce an internal dialogue of self- condemnation, unworthiness, shame and guilt too heavy to bear, so you didn’t share. As a result, you’re left with wounds which need healing and unbearable pain. You are not alone, there is hope for you.

Women and Miscarriage

The loss of a child by miscarriage is a traumatic experience. Unrealized expectations and uncertainties further add to this devastating time. Why me? How could this happen? What did I do wrong?, are just a few of the questions you desperately need answers to. It is often said that “time heals all wounds.” At Restored we believe Jesus heals all wounds in time, in community, in process, with commitment and permission to grieve. We are so sorry for your loss, but would be honored to walk with you on your journey of healing. Sharing our stories with other women who have experienced similar losses, in a safe place with leaders you can trust, is a perfect environment for your healing journey to begin. Hope for your wounded heart is available for you just trust your process of healing to Jesus. Begin your journey by registering for one of our ministry models today.


Women and Miscarriage

The loss of a child by miscarriage is a traumatic experience. Unrealized expectations and uncertainties further add to this devastating time. Why me? How could this happen? What did I do wrong?, are just a few of the questions you desperately need answers to. It is often said that “time heals all wounds.” At Restored we believe Jesus heals all wounds in time, in community, in process, with commitment and permission to grieve. We are so sorry for your loss, but would be honored to walk with you on your journey of healing. Sharing our stories with other women who have experienced similar losses, in a safe place with leaders you can trust, is a perfect environment for your healing journey to begin.  Register for one of our ministry models today.

Men, Abortion and Miscarriage

The reality is, men are hurting too. Many of us are deceived and unaware of the pain- pain suppressed so deeply that the need for help is concealed.  After all, it was your child too.   Whether you’re feeling guilty and can’t pinpoint why or you’re experiencing outbursts of anger that seem to have no source. Attempting to block it out and moving on is not the answer. There is help for you. You can be restored. Begin your healing by acknowledging the pain, whether you made the choice of abortion or the choice was made by the mother of your child. Redeem the time and no longer deny your feelings. Repent, surrender, and trust the process, you will  receive forgiveness and restoration from our heavenly Father. “He calls us by our name not by our shame.” How do I know, this is my story.


Wallace Bell Vice President & CFO

Restored by His Grace


The Church

Pastors, we need your partnership. Your pulpits are holy ground, when pastors speak, people listen. The pews in our  churches are full of people silently suffering and some… are just missing. They are suffering from carrying wounds too deep to expose. Immobilized by fear of judgement or condemnation for their past choices of abortion from a community designed to be a place of grace. As a result, many choose to stay home. Ministries like Restored by His Grace exist to journey with men and women who need healing from the pain of abortion or pregnancy loss by miscarriage.  It would be a privilege for Restored by His Grace to partner with you, as we together seek Jesus to bring healing and hope to those walking wounded.

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